Thinking out of the box

Souhardyya Biswas
3 min readAug 12, 2020


Only 5% people in this very world stand above the realms of both time and money. We are entrepreneurs, financial freedom is probably the most clichéd attribute of our ambition. Our weakness is probably the hindered myopic vision of greed, egocentricity and opulence. Successful entrepreneurs are what they are because they don’t live in everyone’s home sweet home — “The Comfort Zone”. Creativity and thinking out of the box doesn’t require analytical expertise, however it requires altruism. Letting go of even the stiffest of fundamentals and accepting the bizarre fantasies. Immersing oneself into the colossal inception with a quaint intuition of the pragmatic dystopia. Living in the 21 st century our inception and introspection both take a toll as we succumb to corporate pressure. Our so-called “peace” is cuddling plastic amenities; albeit these amenities are nothing but the product of our growth in science and technology, however, science isn’t just smartphones and computers.


Let’s go back a millennium, the highly professed “hypothesis” were made by scientists who lacked the paraphernalia to prove their thesis. These scientists were hence called philosophers. From Aristotle to Plato to David Hume to many more. Their only apparatus was their infinite, intricate and inquisitive imagination. Ambition is an un-quenched thirst. If Thomas Edison settled with gas lamps and other artificial sources of light, he would never have had invented the electric bulb. Think. Why do all the religions point towards a higher power, something much more supreme than the existing epitome of mankind?

This supreme power or as we commonly refer to as God is said to be omnipotent, omni-benevolent, omnipresent and omniscient. God created Man, so if God was omni-benevolent, why would genocide exist? God is omniscient, well he knows the past and the future, so whilst praying and asking for something we are questioning his knowledge of the future. Question the status quo; this flaw embedded world requires improvement in every typical and bizarre way thinkable, yes it might be impossible now, with our existing apparatus, but it will be a reality in the not-so distant future.

Point A to B can be traced through an infinite number of paths. Even geometry proves that there is never only a single way two destinations can be traversed. Leaving the “Comfort-Zone” requires one to choose a different path, every single time. As Robert Frost emphasised on choosing the less-trodden path. Technology has already rendered the world into a small place don’t reduce it further with your perspective. Highly successful companies offer heavy incentives in order to charge up their employees to their highest calibre. Fashion retailer Zappos offers employees free food, complimentary wellness service and even an on-siteshoeshine service. Limitless paths to a destination also equate infinite growth. For instance, Netflix, by dreaming up an alternative to the standard video store template with rentals and late fees (as was the issue with BlockBuster), they were able to create a worldwide sensation.

